คำแปล ความหมาย ของ "substance" ที่ค้นพบ

สสาร, สาร, วัตถุที่จับต้องได้
คำเหมือน : body, material, stuff
เนื้อหาสาระ, สาระ, ใจความสำคัญ, แก่นสาร
คำเหมือน : essence, gist, meaning
ทรัพย์สิน, เงินทอง
คำเหมือน : assets, property, wealth
เนื้อแท้, แก่นแท้
คำเหมือน : actuality, reality
The process by which substances are turned directly from a solid state into a gas is called sublimation.
I think that, as he's using addictive substances like thinner, the chance of rehabilitation is low.
A spider can produce a silky substance from tiny openings on its underside.
I would like to know how these substances are absorbed by the body.
This substance is mostly composed of hydrogen and oxygen.
There is no substance in his speech.
The mixture of these substances is dangerous.
These substances are not poisonous in themselves.
This substance is not poisonous in itself.
This soup has no substance.
The substance is light enough to float on the water.
This substance will mix with water.
Carbon monoxide is a poisonous substance formed by the incomplete combustion of carbon compounds.
It was an argument of little substance.
When you swallow a dangerous substance, what you need to do depends on what you swallowed.
The substance must be treated with acid.
Tell me the substance of his speech.
Water and ice are the same substance in different forms.
Salt is a useful substance.

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