The relative pronoun 'that' has two states, a nominative case and objective case, but there is no possessive case.
For your information, the marketing subcommittee is scheduling a phone conference to establish objectives and directions for 1998.
Among the critics are those who think that the objective set for the European Central Bank is not appropriate.
'That' has only the two cases, nominative and objective, and it does not inflect depending on the case.
From an objective viewpoint, his argument was far from rational.
Our primary objective is to expand the South American market.
His objective is to pass the test.
The objective of law is justice.
There may be microscopes involved, bringing us ever closer to the heart of the matter; but even microbiology is objective, adding to knowledge by putting space between an object and its observer.
You speak pretty highly of him but you're directly involved. I think my less charitable view might be more accurate since I can look at things objectively.
Every experiment required a protected environment and an entirely objective frame of mind.
It is very difficult for anybody to be objective about his own character.
He worked hard to obtain his objective.
It's hard for nurses to be objective about their patients.
You seem to have lost sight of original objective.
Earning our customers confidence and respect is this firm's objective.