คำแปล ความหมาย ของ "exam" ที่ค้นพบ

การสอบ, การทดสอบ
คำเหมือน : examination, test
I failed the exam.
Did he pass the exam?
She's worrying about her exams.
We had an oral exam.
You should try the exam again.
You ought to be ashamed to cheat on exams.
Be sure to pass the exams.
Did you do well in the exam?
That's it for your medical exam.
That is why he failed the exam.
She was very down because of the exam result.
The exam was too difficult for me.
How were your last exams?
I am pleased that you have passed the exam.
If it were not for exams, we would be happy.
I'm preoccupied with the exam.
And yet he could pass the exam.
How did you do in your exam?
How did the exam go?
He failed the exam.

เว็บไซต์เรามีการใช้คุกกี้ คลิกเพื่อดู นโยบายคุกกี้ และ นโยบายความเป็นส่วนตัว ของเรา