The movie star ate crow many times because of all the thoughtless things she said.
Crows like Tokyo because it is warmer in the city than in the suburbs, and it's bright at night.
The bird on the roof is a crow.
Crows all but destroyed the farmer's field of corn.
Every cock crows on his own dunghill.
A crow is as black as coal.
The crow flew away.
The crow spread his wings.
It is the hen that makes the rooster crow.
A creepy cry that sounds like a human voice, velvet black wings, the image of tearing into dead flesh; crows are known across the world as an ill-omened bird that flies down with ill-luck.
Two crows are flying in the sky.
It is a sad house where the hen crows louder than the cock.
The crow thinks her own birds fairest.
The crowing of a cock is the harbinger of dawn.
The politician had to take back his words and eat crow.