คำแปล ความหมาย ของ "achievement" ที่ค้นพบ

การบรรลุผลสำเร็จ, การสำเร็จลุล่วง, ความสำเร็จ, ผลสำเร็จ
คำเหมือน : attainment, accomplishment, fulfillment
ที่สามารถได้มา, ที่สามารถทำให้สำเร็จ
คำเหมือน : obtainable, attainable
สำเร็จ, สัมฤทธิผล, ประสบผลสำเร็จ, บรรลุ
คำเหมือน : complete, finish, execute
You shall receive two certificates of achievement.
We cannot speak too highly of his great achievements.
As a result, it is undeniable that important disciplines and moral education have been neglected. By placing excessive importance on scholastic achievement, many parents have forgotten such basic social courtesies as consideration for others.
He is always boasting of his achievements.
His academic achievements are impressive.
Your achievements cannot be compared with mine.
They awarded him a gold medal for his achievement.
Their climbing of Mt. Everest was a great achievement.
Because of his achievements, he is held in high esteem.
A great man will be remembered for his achievements.
The moon landing was a monumental achievement.
Kudos for your outstanding achievement!
He played up his achievements.
It is quite an achievement!
The great difficulties stand in the way of its achievement.
The manager complimented him on his achievement.
Working in a society gives women both hardship and achievement, but the daily chores at home don't seem to give them fulfillment.
Great difficulties stand in the way of its achievement.
His career as a journalist was full of distinguished achievements.
She is modest about her achievement.

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